- 1/6/14: Receive Course Syllabus, lecture and reading on "Dawning of Curiosity", Dawning of Curiosity HW (DUE Weds. 1/8):
2. Describe the major discoveries and contributions to our understanding of geology by each of the following people: William Smith, James Hutton, Charles Lyell, and Alfred Wegener
3. What is "uniformitarianism"? What does it say about the Earth?
4. What did Smith, Hutton, and Lyell's theories collectively say about the Earth?
5. What's the difference between dating a rock or fossil by relative time or absolute time?
- 1/8: Lecture and reading on "Geologic Time"
...and this one is my favorite: http://paleobiology.si.edu/geotime/main/
- 1/9: Finish "Geologic Time", begin Geologic Time Line Group Project, Geologic Time HW (DUE Mon. 1/13):
2. What causes a hiatus or nonconformity to occur in rock strata?
3. Define the term "half-life". Also, if 20 grams of a radioactive substance decays over time and 2 half-lives have passed, how many grams would be left?
4. What kinds of materials is Carbon 14 dating good for? Why can't it be used to date the age of very old materials?
5. How can we say with any certainty that the Earth is 4.6 billion years old?
- 1/13: Geologic Time Line Group Project continued
- 1/15: Geologic Time Line Group Project continued
- 1/16: Finish Geologic Time Line Group Project, begin lecture and reading on "Geologic History of Arizona"
- 1/20: No School- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- 1/22: "Geologic History of Arizona" continued
- 1/23: Finish "Geologic History of Arizona", begin lecture and reading on "Matter, Elements, and Atoms", receive Blank Periodic Tables, Periodic Table Classwork, Geologic History of Arizona HW (DUE Mon. 1/27):
2. What was responsible for creating the 30 million-year ice age in the Archaean Eon, and how? What were the consequences for life?
3. According to the article, what is coal made of?
4. What do we think caused the Mass Extinction at the end of the Permian Period?
5. Describe how the Rocky Mountains formed
6. Define each of the 3 geologic provinces of Arizona, and describe how the Basin and Range landscape formed
7. What do we think is responsible for causing the PETM, and how?
8. Describe 4 examples of how tectonic forces or rising magma can create or bring gems and minerals to the surface
Here's an awesome animation of paleomaps from 400 MYA until 200 million years from now, when Pangaea Proxima will form: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSdlQ8x7cuk
This one shows just North America: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ach204Zsuw
A good rundown on the early Earth, geologic processes, and geologic time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDqskltCixA&feature=related
Other good videos of paleomaps: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mQUkhMrRLY
- 1/27: Finish "Matter, Elements, and Atoms", lecture and reading on "Metals", Periodic Table Classwork, Matter, Elements, and Atoms HW (DUE Thurs. 1/30):
2. What's the difference between a physical and a chemical change?
3. List and describe the 3 parts of an atom
4. What separates the atoms of different elements?
5. Niobium (Nb) has an atomic mass of 93. How many protons and how many neutrons does it have?
6. What are valence electrons? What do they do?
7. What does the Periodic Table tell you about the elements in a group?
Here's an awesome video about atoms and the Periodic Table (part 1 in a series): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw5TE5o7JtE&NR=1
A great interactive Periodic Table that tells you everything about each element: http://www.chemicalelements.com
Another awesome interactive Periodic Table (check out Cesium and water!): http://www.chemicool.com
One more interactive Periodic Table, with good pictures: http://periodictable.com
- 1/29: Watch "Amazing Earth"
- 1/30: Finish watching "Amazing Earth"
- 2/3: Lecture and reading on "Nonmetals and Metalloids", Alien Periodic Table Activity, Periodic Table HW (DUE Thurs. 2/6):
2. How does the reactivity of elements differ between the left and right sides of the Periodic Table?
3. If you pick an element on the Periodic Table at random, is it more likely to be a metal, nonmetal, or metalloid? Explain.
4. Where would element 119 be on the Periodic Table? Would you expect it to be a metal, nonmetal, or metalloid? What properties would you expect it to have? Explain.
5. Pick any element from the Periodic Table, research it, and record its name, symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, melting and boiling points, color, and uses.
6. Compare nonmetals to metals, describing at least 3 differences in their properties
7. What happens to the valence electrons when metals and nonmetals react?
8. What are diatomic molecules?
9. How do the Noble Gases differ from other elements?
10. What is the most useful property of metalloids?
- 2/5: Alien Periodic Table Activity continued (DUE Thurs. 2/6 if not completed in class)
- 2/6: Unit Quiz One, Binder Check, and Periodic Table Check, lecture and reading on "Chemical Bonding", Chemical Formulas Worksheet (DUE Mon. 2/10)
- 2/10: Lecture and reading on "How Geology Affects Us", begin lecture and reading on "Minerals", Chemical Bonding HW (DUE Thurs. 2/13):
2. Describe what happens in ionic bonding
3. Describe the differences between an anion and a cation
4. Describe 3 features of ionic compounds
5. Describe what happens in covalent bonding. Also, which types of elements tend to form covalent bonds?
6. Describe the differences between the 2 types of covalent bonds
7. How is a dipole similar to an ion or ionic bond?
Comparing atomic bonds to relationships with "Atomic Hook-Ups": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXT4OVM4vXI
Chemical bonding explained by dogs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_M9khs87xQ8
Comparing atomic bonds to relationships with "Atomic Hook-Ups": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXT4OVM4vXI
Chemical bonding explained by dogs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_M9khs87xQ8
- 2/12: "Minerals" continued
- 2/13: Finish "Minerals", lecture and reading on "The Scientific Method", Salt Crystal Lab I
Another fantastic website that will tell you everything about minerals: http://www.minerals.net
- 2/17: No School- Presidents' Day
- 2/19: No class- All-school work day
- 2/20: Salt Crystal Lab II, Mineral Identification Lab
- 2/24: No class- AIMS Exams
- 2/26: Salt Crystal Lab III, begin Mineral Identification Lab II
- 2/27: Finish Mineral Identification Lab II, begin lecture and reading on "Rocks and Rock Types"
- 3/3: Salt Crystal Lab IV, finish "Rocks and Rock Types", begin Rock Cycle Group Poster Project, Rockin' Out With Rocks Worksheet (DUE Weds. 3/5)
This one packs everything possible into it: http://www.geologycafe.com/images/rock_cycle_big.jpg
- 3/5: Rock Cycle Group Poster Project continued
- 3/6: Rock Cycle Group Poster Project continued
- 3/10: Midterm Exam and Binder Check, Rock Cycle Group Poster Project continued
- 3/12: Rock Cycle Group Poster Project continued
- 3/17: No School- 3rd Quarter Break
- 3/19: Rock Cycle Group Poster Project continued (DUE Thurs. by the end of the day if not completed in class)
- 3/20: Lecture and reading on "Common Uses of Minerals", Mineral Kit Lab
- 3/24: Lecture and reading on "Mining", Mining HW (DUE Weds. 3/26):
2. Describe the differences between placer deposits and lode deposits, and explain how each type is mined
3. Under what conditions would underground mining be used? Also, describe the differences between surface and underground mining techniques
4. How are placer and lode ores processed differently?
5. What factors are leading to an increase in metal recycling? What are some of the remaining challenges?
- 3/26: Begin watching "Planet Earth: Caves"
- 3/27: Finish watching "Caves", lecture and reading on "Overview of Modern Mining"
Good surface mining video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WbaONJEbRE
One on underground mining: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4_tDoTvQ6A
And a video about processing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q05P6lq5Tlw
A hilarious video from 1949 about copper mining: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9V5umy5-98
And one about the most amazing pit mines in the world: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jI9zQm15ZjM
Here's a video from the Science Channel about how coal mining is done: http://www.sciencechannel.com/tv-shows/how-do-they-do-it/videos/how-do-they-do-it-coal-mining.htmAnd one about the most amazing pit mines in the world: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jI9zQm15ZjM
Gold mining video from Discovery News: http://news.discovery.com/earth/videos/how-gold-mining-works-video.htm
- 3/31: Watch "Modern Marvels: Copper", Overview of Modern Mining HW (DUE Weds. 4/2):
2. What is the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act? How does it work?
3. Summarize how modern mining benefits the economies of local communities
4. What kinds of materials and technologies are possible because of copper?
- 4/2: Begin lecture and reading on "Environmental Impacts of Mining"
- 4/3: "Environmental Impacts of Mining" continued
- 4/7: Finish "Environmental Impacts of Mining", Environmental Impacts of Mining HW (DUE Thurs. 4/10):
2. Describe the 3 main methods of habitat destruction to the land that are caused by mining
3. How does mining compare to natural processes of erosion? What geomorphological hazards can occur from the deposition of mining wastes?
4. Compare the environmental impacts of large and small-scale mining
5. Describe how acid mine drainage, perpetual pollution, toxic releases, and cyanide use affect the environment
6. What was the 1872 Mining Law? What have the consequences of this law been?
7. Describe the potential solutions to remediating waste dumps and tailings, acid mine drainage, and mining pollutants
8. Summarize how each step in the mining process affects human and environmental health
9. What can be done to mine more sustainably? Whose main responsibility is it for these changes, and why?
Here's a documentary on the environmental and social costs of mining tin for smartphones: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6KxzGMF4co
Blowing up Mountains: The costs of coal mining: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvKe2LYy5pk
"Gold Rush in the Amazon", a documentary on illegal small-scale gold mining: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUFg4AwUZZw
Environmental and human health impacts of fracking: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEB_Wwe-uBM
And one about the mining of Coltan (an ore of tantalum) for cell phones and the environmental and social costs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQIsLqkuATY
And one about the mining of Coltan (an ore of tantalum) for cell phones and the environmental and social costs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQIsLqkuATY
- 4/9: Science AIMS: Catch-up Day
- 4/10: Lecture and reading on "Rosemont Copper: Mission Statement and Core Values" and "The Devastating Impacts of the Proposed Rosemont Mine"
- 4/14: Finish "The Devastating Impacts of the Proposed Rosemont Mine", receive Rosemont Mine Debate Guidelines
- 4/16: Preparation for Rosemont Debate
- 4/17: Unit Quiz Two and Binder Check, preparation for Rosemont Debate
- 4/21, 4/23, 4/24: No School- Spring Break
- 4/28: Preparation for Rosemont Debate
- 4/30: Preparation for Rosemont Debate
- 5/1: No class: All-school Event
- 5/5: Rosemont Mine Debate
- 5/7: Begin watching "National Geographic: Splendid Stones"
- 5/8: Finish "Splendid Stones", begin lecture and reading on "Gemstones"
How to find gemstones: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSACqI1VHH4
An intense documentary about conflict diamonds in Africa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eThlmx7w9r0
25 things you should know about conflict diamonds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-vVAFWNTnA
- 5/12: Finish "Gemstones", receive Mineral Research Project (DUE Weds. 5/21- presentations will begin in class on that day!), Gemstones HW (DUE Thurs. 5/15)
2. Explain how each of the 4 C's affect a gemstone's value
3. How is colored gemstone mining potentially less destructive to the environment than other types of mining? What causes environmental damage from colored gem mining, and why?
4. Why are most of the world's colored gem and diamond miners among the poorest people on Earth?
5. What are "conflict diamonds"? What is the Kimberley Process, and what are its flaws?
6. Summarize what can be done to create change in the diamond and gem industry
- 5/14: Mineral Research Projects continued
- 5/15: Mineral Research Projects continued
- 5/19: Finish Mineral Research Projects
- 5/21: Mineral Research Project presentations, receive Class Evaluation (DUE Tues. 5/27)
- 5/22: Final Exam and Binder Check
- 5/26: No School- Memorial Day
- 5/28: All-school event