Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Astro Biology 1 (Astronomy)

  • 8/13/2013: Receive "Course Syllabus", lecture and reading on "A Modern View of the Universe"
Here's a cool interactive website where you can zoom in and out to see the size and scale of the universe: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/525347
Another website that explains not only scale, but time as well: http://www.krysstal.com/scale.html
Another good one, with lots of explanatory text: http://www.atlasoftheuniverse.com/
Here's a video that's part of a series called "Journey to the Edge of the Universe" (there's also a lot of good related videos to check out): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zr7wNQw12l8&feature=related
And a host of photos of the famous "pale blue dot" that inspired Carl Sagan:
  • 8/16: Finish "A Modern View of the Universe", lecture and reading on "Spaceship Earth", Does it Make Sense? HW I (Handed out in class, DUE Tues. 8/20)
  • 8/20: Guest Speaker Presentation- Joe Frennea from International Dark Sky Association, Guest Speaker Reflection (DUE Thurs. 8/22)
  • 8/22: Watch "IMAX: Cosmic Voyage", begin lecture and reading on "Ancient Astronomy"
  • 8/27: Finish "Ancient Astronomy", Archaeoastronomy Group Research Project (Research materials DUE Fri. 8/30)
  • 8/30: Prepare Archaeoastronomy presentations (Be ready to present on Tuesday, 9/3!)
  • 9/3: Archaeoastronomy presentations
  • 9/6: Finish Archaeoastronomy presentations, lecture and reading on "Early Astronomers"
  • 9/10: Finish "Early Astronomers", lecture and reading on "Matter and Energy in Everyday Life", Early Astronomers HW (DUE Fri. 9/13):
List and describe the major contributions that each of the following individuals made to the science of astronomy, and state why each was significant:
1. Ptolemy
2. Copernicus
3. Galileo
4. Kepler
5. Newton

6. Arrange each astronomer and the important dates from this handout in a timeline
7. Pick one person from the above list and describe how their discoveries transformed their society and/ or culture, or describe how their discoveries were hindered by their society/ culture, and why. Cite your sources (2 PTS.)
  • 9/13: Unit Quiz One and Binder Check, "Matter and Energy in Everyday Life" continued
  • 9/17: Finish "Matter and Energy in Everyday Life", begin lecture and reading on "Describing Motion", Does it Make Sense? HW II (DUE Fri. 9/20)
Good PBS video on "amazing atoms": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqNSQ3OQMGI
Cool video on "Quarks: Inside the Atom": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMgi2j9Ks9k&feature=related
Nice website with videos on how atoms work: http://science.howstuffworks.com/atom.htm
Good Discovery Channel video on energy and the 4 phases of matter: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88tK5c0wgH4
  • 9/20: Finish "Describing Motion", Does it Make Sense? HW III (DUE Tues. 9/24)
Video on motion and force from NASA, with good explanations: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54fAE2iN2II
Painful demonstrations of Newton's 3 Laws of Motion: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWOv7NyOnhY
Good video on the Inverse Square Law using sandwiches: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JW3tT0L2gpc
  • 9/24: Motion and Force Lab I: Ball Drop (DUE Fri. 9/27)
  • 9/27: Motion and Force Lab II: Rocket Launch
  • 10/1: Midterm Exam and Binder Check, begin lecture and reading on "Light in Everyday Life"
  • 10/4: No Class: Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony
  • 10/7-10/11: No School- Fall Break
  • 10/15: "Light in Everyday Life" continued
  • 10/18: Finish "Light in Everyday Life", Light in Everyday Life HW (DUE Tues. 10/22):
1. Define each of the 4 ways that light interacts with matter, and give examples of each
2. What's the difference between "transparent" and "opaque"?
3. Explain how light can be made of both particles and waves
4. Between gamma rays and radio waves, which type of light has more energy, and why?
5. What happens to the electrons of atoms when light energy passes through them?
6. What do line spectra tell us about things like stars, gas, and planets? How?
7. Why is it more difficult for opaque objects to emit thermal radiation? What are the 2 rules of thermal radiation?
8. What is the Doppler Shift? How does the extreme redshift of distant galaxies provide evidence for the expansion of the universe?
  • 10/22: Lecture and reading on "The Big Bang and the Evolution of the Universe"
  • 10/25: Finish "The Big Bang and the Evolution of the Universe", begin lecture and reading on "Running the Expansion Backward", Big Bang Theory HW (DUE Tues. 10/29):
1. List and describe the 3 main lines of evidence for the Big Bang theory
2. What is "inflation theory"? What evidence exists to support it?
3. What is "funny energy" (AKA dark energy)? What is it doing to the universe, and what evidence supports its existence?
4. What does the Cosmic Microwave Background prove about the structure of the universe? How?

Having trouble visualizing all this stuff? Check out this awesome video: http://www.dvice.com/archives/2009/08/big-bang-animat.php
Good video from the History Channel on the cosmic microwave background: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9q7DbUCl6QU
Another good (and very British) Big Bang video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iqW7YS1Y7Y&feature=related
This is an EXCELLENT interactive website on the different eras of time in the universe's history (useful for upcoming projects): http://www.pbs.org/deepspace/timeline/
  • 10/29: Finish "Running the Expansion Backward", begin Timeline of the Universe Group Poster Projects
  • 11/1: Timeline of the Universe Group Poster Projects continued
  • 11/5: Timeline of the Universe Group Poster Projects continued
  • 11/8: Unit Quiz 2 and Binder CheckTimeline of the Universe Group Poster Projects continued
  • 11/12: Timeline of the Universe Group Poster Projects continued
  • 11/15: Timeline of the Universe Group Poster Projects continued
  • 11/19: Timeline of the Universe Group Poster Projects continued (DUE Fri. 11/22), Does it Make Sense? HW IV (DUE Fri. 11/22)
  • 11/22: Begin lecture and reading on "A New View of Gravity"
  • 11/26: Watch "The Elegant Universe: Einstein's Dream", begin watching "The Elegant Universe: String's the Thing"
  • 11/29: No School- Thanksgiving Break
  • 12/3: Finish "A New View of Gravity", finish watching "The Elegant Universe: String's the Thing", A New View of Gravity HW (DUE Fri. 12/6):
1. What creates gravity? How does the amount of an object's mass affect the strength of gravity?
2. What role does density play in the strength of gravity?
3. How did we discover the existence of dark matter?
4. Describe what MACHOs are, and why they are potential candidates for dark matter. How can we detect them?
5. Describe what WIMPs are, and why they are potential candidates for dark matter
6. Why are nonbaryonic particles so difficult to detect?
7. What is the critical density, and why is it important to understanding the universe's fate?
8. What role does dark matter play in the fate of the universe?
9. Describe the 4 possible fates of the universe
10. State which fate we currently believe is the most likely, and explain why
  • 12/6: Watch "The Elegant Universe: Welcome to the 11th Dimension"
  • 12/10: Lecture and reading on "Star Death"
  • 12/13: Final Exam and Binder Check, Class Evaluations (DUE Tues. 12/17)
  • 12/17: Watch "The Universe: End of the Earth"
  • 12/20: No School- Winter Break

Eco-Biology 2 (Zoology)

  • 1/6/14: Receive Course Syllabus, lecture and reading on "Kingdoms of the Living World"
Here's a video on Carolus Linnaeus with Bill Nye: http://science.howstuffworks.com/life/29017-100-greatest-discoveries-classification-of-species-video.htm
A couple good videos on the different kingdoms: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPZSoNY9vAo&feature=related
Funny video on the taxonomy of the animal kingdom: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOkQimDzr2Y&feature=related
And an awesome video on the Tree of Life, with David Attenborough: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6IrUUDboZo&feature=related
  • 1/8: Microscopic observations of each Kingdom, "Kingdoms of the Living World" continued
  • 1/9: Finish "Kingdoms of the Living World", Taxonomic Groupings Activity, begin lecture and reading on "Modern Evolutionary Classification"
  • 1/13: Finish "Modern Evolutionary Classification", begin Taxonomy Projects, Taxonomy HW (DUE Thurs. 1/16):
1. List and describe the defining characteristics of each Domain
2. Describe the characteristics of each Kingdom in the Domain Eukarya on a cellular level
3. Describe the characteristics that are common to all animals
4. Explain why scientists avoid using common names for species
5. What were the problems with traditional methods of classification, and why?
6. Describe the 2 new methods that scientists use to refine the classification system
7. Complete the "Quick Lab" on derived characters from your "Modern Evolutionary Classification" handout (5 PTS.)
  • 1/15: Taxonomy Projects continued
  • 1/16: Taxonomy Projects continued (DUE Weds. 1/22, and be ready to present your projects!)
  • 1/20: No School- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • 1/22: Project Presentations, begin lecture and reading on "Ecology of the Northern Gulf"
  • 1/23: Project Presentations continued, "Ecology of the Northern Gulf" continued
  • 1/27: Finish "Ecology of the Northern Gulf",  Ecology of the Northern Gulf HW (DUE Weds. 1/29):
1. Describe the characteristics of each region in the Sea of Cortez
2. How are the Sea of Cortez's tides created?
3. How do the tides influence the ocean's ecosystems?
4. Why are the waters of the Sea of Cortez renowned for their diversity?
5. Describe the 2 ecosystem services that estuaries provide
6. Describe the characteristics of each of the intertidal zones
7. What abiotic factors influence the intertidal zone?

Receive Timeline of Animal Evolution, lecture and reading on "Introduction to Porifera", Porifera HW (DUE Thurs. 1/30):

1. Describe the important function of archaeocytes
2. Describe, in general, the niche of a sponge
3. Identify and describe one symbiotic relationship involving sponges from the handout
4. Describe the 2 methods of sponge reproduction
5. Research the uses of sponges in medical research and summarize one example. Cite your source.
6. Describe the relationship between sponges and wedding shrimps. Cite your source.
7. Describe the relationship between sponges and snapping shrimps. Cite your source.

Spongebob on sponge reproduction: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JIytOL-Q18
Great BBC video on "The Wonderful World of Sea Sponges": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BW05vMziy2o
Good but technical video on sponge chemicals and medical research: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbonY3-u06I
One last treat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWdCVzNcWdI
  • 1/29: Begin lecture and reading on "Introduction to Cnidaria"
  • 1/30: "Introduction to Cnidaria" continued, begin watching "Blue Planet: Coral Seas"
  • 2/3: 

Plant Biology 2 (Food Biology)

  • 1/7/14: Receive Course Syllabus, lecture and reading on "The Nutrients", introduction to the Food Journal (You must get a Food Journal and start recording entries by Tues. 1/14!)
  • 1/10: Finish "The Nutrients", lecture and reading on "Nutrition and Healthy Eating" and "How to Read A Nutrition Label", receive Nutrient Puzzle Project Guidelines, Nutrition HW (DUE Tues. 1/14):
1. Go to http://caloriecount.about.com/tools/calories-burned and record your results
2. Bring in your favorite snack food (with nutrition information)!
3. Describe the differences between the 3 types of carbohydrates
4. Describe the differences between soluble and insoluble fiber
5. Explain how fats are both vital as well as harmful to health
6. Explain the relationship between fat and cholesterol
7. What are "free radicals"? How can they be eliminated from the body?
  • 1/14: Nutrient Puzzle Project continued, begin recording Food Journals
  • 1/17: Nutrient Puzzle Project continued
  • 1/21: Finish Nutrient Puzzle Project, begin Food Additives Research Activity
  • 1/24: Food Additives Research Activity continued
Here's a great website where you can find info and health concerns about pretty much any additive: http://www.cspinet.org/reports/chemcuisine.htm

  • 1/28: Food Additives Presentations
  • 1/31: Finish Food Additives Presentations, begin watching "Supersize Me"
Check out the 4 year-old cheeseburger from McDonald's: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IGtDPG4UfI&feature=related
  • 2/4: "Supersize Me" continued
  • 2/7: Unit Quiz One, Binder Check, and Food Journal Check, finish "Supersize Me", Fast Food Nutrition HW- bring in the nutrition info from any fast food restaurant- DUE Tues. 2/11
  • 2/11: Lecture and reading on "Metabolism"
  • 2/14: Lecture and reading on "A Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce", finish "Metabolism", begin lecture and reading on "Chemical Pathways", Metabolism HW (DUE Tues. 2/18):
1. Go to the following website: http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/, enter your information, and record your BMR
2. Describe the stages of digestion from mouth to cells
3. Describe the differences between anabolism and catabolism
4. Describe what happens to each of the following macromolecules during the process of digestion and metabolism: cellulose, starch, protein, and lipids
5. What is insulin? What role does it play in metabolism?
6. What do all metabolic disorders have in common with each other?
7. Describe the differences between Type I and II diabetes

This enormous website has everything you've ever wanted to know about pesticides and food, and it's filled with info: http://www.pesticideinfo.org
This is their newer, updated page: http://www.panna.org
  • 2/18: Finish lecture and reading on "Chemical Pathways", Chemical Pathways HW (DUE Fri. 2/21):
1. Summarize each stage of cellular respiration in your own words
2. Name the 2 types of fermentation, and describe the differences between them
3. What happens to the other 62% of energy from glucose that isn't converted into ATP?
4. Why is cellular respiration much more efficient at extracting energy from glucose than glycolysis alone?
5. Where in the cell do each of the pathways of cellular respiration take place?
6. Contrast photosynthesis and cellular respiration. How are they different?
7. Describe the connection between cellular respiration, long-term energy, and exercise
  • 2/21: Begin lecture and reading on "Immune System", Diet Research Assignment (DUE Tues. 2/25- be prepared to present!):
Research any diet and summarize the following:
1. How it works
2. What the pros are
3. What the cons are
4. What your opinion of the diet is overall, based on your research and what you've learned in class
-Cite your source
-Be prepared to present your findings!
Here's a huge list of different diets to choose from: http://www.everydiet.org/diet
And a couple more: http://www.faddiet.com
And a "top ten" version: http://www.toptenz.net/top-10-unhealthy-fad-diets.php#!/exjun_
  • 2/25: Diet Presentations, "Immune System" continued
Good immune system documentary (part 1 of 3): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vdqby8I0Aw
Interesting video about leukocytes (part 1 of 3): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNP1EAYLhOs
Nice animation of the immune response: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90hSVkaOG_w
Video on how viruses attack cells and create infections: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rpj0emEGShQ
Another one specific to HIV: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-2ilZA-_aw
  • 2/28: Finish "Immune System", Immune System HW (DUE Tues. 3/4):
1. List and describe the components of the immune system
2. Describe the functions of the 3 main types of Leukocytes
3. Summarize the stages of the immune response
4. List and describe the main categories of immune system disorders
5. Describe how diet influences the immune system
6. How do we get enzymes? What causes our number of enzymes to decrease, and what are the consequences?
7. Why are beneficial bacteria important to our health? What causes them to decrease, and why?
  • 3/4: Lecture and reading on "The Life Cycle of Cells", begin Mitosis Flipbook Projects, Life Cycle of Cells HW (DUE Fri. 3/7):
1. What must a cell do before it can divide?
2. What are chromosomes? What information do they contain, and how many of them do humans have?
3. Describe what is going on during each step of interphase
4. Explain why cells in a multicellular organism need to divide, giving at least 3 examples
5. Describe each phase of mitosis
6. Define "cyclins", and describe the 2 types
7. What is cancer, and what does it have to do with the cell cycle?
Sweet mitosis video in sped-up real time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m73i1Zk8EA0
Actual mitosis footage (keep watching, it'll make sense): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDAw2Zg4IgE
Nice 3D rendering of the stages of mitosis: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPG6480RQo0
Intense video of a whole cell's life cycle: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKW4F0Nu-UY
Another intense voyage inside a cell: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ao9cVhwPg84
  • 3/7: Mitosis Flipbook Projects continued
  • 3/11: Midterm Exam, Binder Check, and Food Journal CheckMitosis Flipbook Projects continued
  • 3/14: No School- 3rd Quarter Break
  • 3/18: Finish Mitosis Flipbook Projects (DUE Fri. 3/21 if not completed in class)
  • 3/21: Lecture and reading on "Cycles of Matter", Cycles of Matter HW (DUE Tues. 3/25):
1. On 2 unlined sheets of paper, draw and label a diagram of both the nitrogen cycle and the carbon cycle
2. Describe how each step in both processes works
3. Describe why each cycle is important in terms of food and food biology
  • 3/25: Lecture and reading on "Food System Background Information", begin lecture and reading on "Food Production", Food System HW (DUE Fri. 3/28):
1. Explain how each food system affects the environment and the economy (in terms of jobs, local merchants, etc.)
2. Describe how fossil fuels are used in food production
3. Draw and label a diagram of both a conventional and a local food system, and explain each step (3 PTS.)
4. Explain each of the soil management options, and describe the pros and cons of each
  • 3/28: "Food Production" continued
  • 4/1: "Food Production" continued
Here's an awesome old promotional video of modern food production from 1960 entitled "Miracles from Agriculture": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZfFFUSsfEA
Here's some intense footage of modern food production, in this case chicken: http://vimeo.com/73234721
Comparing conventional vs. organic farming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEALImJMuRo
And an animated cartoon version, called "The True Cost of Food": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bO_XMq0bonA
"The Problem with Farmed Salmon", a video about sustainability issues relating to aquaculture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miFMtgMcX58
  • 4/4: "Food Production" continued
  • 4/8: Finish "Food Production", lecture and reading on "The Green Revolution", The Green Revolution HW (DUE Fri. 4/11):
1. What was the Green Revolution? What are the components on Green Revolution farming?
2. Why has world hunger increased even though food production is at an all-time high?
3. Describe how agroecology methods in Cuba were able to feed the whole population
4. Based on the article, describe what the pros and cons of Green Revolution-style farming are

Also Food Production HW (DUE Tues. 4/15):

1. How has the expansion of food production changed from before and after the 1950's? How was this achieved?
2. What are the characteristics of modern chemical farming techniques?
3. What are the characteristics of modern livestock farming, and what are the environmental concerns?
4. Describe how chemical fertilizers can become pollutants
5. What are the environmental and health issues associated with modern irrigation technology?
6. What changing cultivation practices made increased pesticide use a necessity?
7. What causes resistance to pesticides, and what are the consequences?
8. How do pesticides affect non-target organisms and the environment, and what are the consequences?
9. What is "Integrated Pest Management", and how does it work?
10. How does genetic engineering compare to conventional breeding? What can it be used for, and how does it work?
11. What are the concerns of genetic engineering for developing countries and the environment?
12. What are the environmental concerns regarding aquaculture, and what are some possible alternatives?

Here's an informative video that shows the history of the Green Revolution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HucSCNQ01X4
  • 4/11: Lecture and reading on "The GMO Debate"
  • 4/15: Unit Quiz Two, Binder Check, and Food Journal Check, "The GMO Debate" continued
  • 4/18, 4/22, 4/25: No School- Spring Break
  • 4/29: Finish "The GMO Debate", GMO Foods Research Assignment (DUE Fri. 5/2- Be Prepared to Present!)
Here are a few websites that may help you with finding information for your projects:
  • 5/2: GMO Foods Presentations, begin watching "The Future of Food", The GMO Debate HW (DUE Tues. 5/6):
1. What are the benefits of GM crops in terms of each of the following: human health, economics, and the environment?
2. What are the dangers of GM crops in terms of each of the following: human health, economics, and the environment?
3. What are the claims that glyphosate is more environmentally friendly than other herbicides? What evidence suggests that these claims are false?
4. What are the drawbacks to using Bt crops instead of pesticides?
5. Why are scientists concerned about hybridization between GM crops and their wild relatives?
6. How could Bt crops affect nontarget organisms?
7. What are the arguments against organic farming being able to feed the growing human population? What are the criticisms of these arguments?
8. Based on the information, do you support the use of GM foods? Why or why not? Be specific.
  • 5/6: Finish GMO Foods Presentations, "The Future of Food" continued
For the full "con" debate over GMOs, check out "Seeds of Death": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUd9rRSLY4A
A video on the recently-passed "Monsanto Protection Act": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62P7CFf5Dnc
Check out Monsanto's website for yourself: http://www.monsanto.com/pages/default.aspx
  • 5/9: Guest Speaker Presentation: Becky Cable of ARBICO, Guest Speaker Reflection (DUE Tues. 5/13)
  • 5/13: Finish watching "The Future of Food", begin lecture and reading on "DNA"
  • 5/16: "DNA" continued, How Does A Cell Read DNA? Activity (DUE Tues. 5/20)
  • 5/20: Finish "DNA", receive Class Evaluation (DUE Tues. 5/27), DNA and RNA HW (DUE Fri. 5/23):
1. Explain how DNA is replicated
2. Where and in what form is eukaryotic DNA located?
3. Describe how the long DNA molecules found in eukaryotes are packed into chromosomes
4. How is the structure of chromosomes in eukaryotes different from the structure of chromosomes in prokaryotes?
5. List and describe the 3 main types of RNA
6. What happens during transcription?
7. What happens during translation?
8. Describe the 3 main differences between RNA and DNA
  • 5/23: Final Exam, Binder Check, and Food Journal Check
  • 5/27: All-school event

Earth Science 1 (Earth Science)

  • 8/12/2013: Receive "Course Syllabus", lecture and reading on "Formation of the Earth"
  • 8/14: "Formation of the Earth" continued, begin lecture and reading on "A Real Journey to the Center of Earth", Formation of Earth HW (DUE Mon. 8/19):
1. Describe how the Earth formed, in your own words
2. List and describe 2 major events that occurred during the Hadean Eon
3. Why are there no traces of rocks from the Hadean Eon? What evidence exists to tell us what was going on at this time?
4. What was "differentiation"?
5. Describe how Earth's crust and oceans formed
6. What are stromatolites? Also, describe the 2 major effects that stromatolites had on the early Earth

Here's a detailed website on the formation of the Earth and solar system: http://astronomyonline.org/SolarSystem/EarthIntroduction.asp?Cate=SolarSystem&SubCate=Earth&SubCate2=E00
A movie on the solar system and Earth's formation: http://www.solarviews.com/cap/misc/ssanim.htm
A great website on all of the geologic eras of time, including the Hadean and Archaean Eon: http://paleobiology.si.edu/geotime/main/index.html
Another video on the solar system's formation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFLOsRSuW0E&feature=related&noredirect=1
  • 8/15: "A Real Journey to the Center of Earth" continued
A few websites with good diagrams and explanations of the Earth's structure: http://www.scec.org/education/k12/learn/
Nice animation of Earth's magnetic field (with good links, too): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpnxTdm6c5Y&feature=related
Good, short film on how the Earth's magnetic field works: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uj0DFDfQajw&NR=1&feature=fvwp
  • 8/19: Finish "A Real Journey to the Center of Earth", Journey to the Center of Earth HW (DUE Thurs. 8/22):
1. Describe how seismic waves help us understand the structure of the Earth
2. Describe one example of how layers of rock in the crust give us clues about events in the geologic past
3. Define "isostacy", and explain how this process works
4. What generates Earth's magnetic field? Why is the magnetic field important?
5. How do we know that the Earth's magnetic field has reversed polarity in the past?
6. Why is the core so hot?
7. What will happen to Earth as the inner core continues to cool?
  • 8/21: Begin watching "Inside Planet Earth"
  • 8/26: "Inside Planet Earth" continued
  • 8/28: Finish "Inside Planet Earth", Structure of the Earth Group Poster Project
Here's some websites with good visuals and diagrams that might be helpful for your projects:
  • 8/29: Structure of the Earth Group Poster Project continued
  • 9/4: No School- Labor Day
  • 9/4: Structure of the Earth Group Poster Project continued
  • 9/5: Structure of the Earth Group Poster Project continued
  • 9/9: Finish Structure of the Earth Group Poster Project
  • 9/11: Lecture and reading on "Continental Drift"
  • 9/12: Unit Quiz One and Binder Check, "Continental Drift" continued, Plate Tectonics Worksheet (DUE Mon. 9/16 if not completed in class), Continental Drift HW (DUE Mon. 9/16):
1. Describe the 2 theories that led to the discovery of plate tectonics
2. What evidence exists to prove these theories?
3. Describe the 3 ways that plates interact with each other, and give real-life examples of each
4. Describe the process of convection, and state how it applies to plate tectonics
5. Explain how plate tectonics relates to the creation of mountains, volcanoes, and earthquakes

Great animation showing continental drift from 400 million years ago until Pangaea Proxima forms: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSdlQ8x7cuk
Another good continental drift animation into the future with good info: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGcDed4xVD4&feature=fvw
Seafloor spreading with Bill Nye: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CsTTmvX6mc
Great explanation of seafloor spreading in 60 seconds: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tlzg5_hVaPU&feature=related
Investigating the mid-ocean ridges: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9o5BV1aotM
Saved the best for last- awesome video on plate tectonics: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsZq1pNufNg
  • 9/16: Watch "Earth: The Biography- Volcanoes"
  • 9/18: Finish "Earth: The Biography- Volcanoes", begin lecture and reading on "Volcanoes and Earthquakes"
  • 9/19: "Volcanoes and Earthquakes" continued
  • 9/23: Finish "Volcanoes and Earthquakes", begin watching "Earth: The Biography- Atmosphere", Volcanoes and Earthquakes HW (DUE Weds. 9/25):
1. List and describe the characteristics of the 3 types of volcanoes
2. How does viscosity affect lava flow?
3. Research the Toba supervolcano. Where is it? When did it erupt? What were the consequences for the human race? Include your source.
4. Describe the 3 different types of faults
5. Describe the different types of seismic waves, and the effects of each
6. Research another major earthquake and summarize its location, magnitude, and aftereffects. Include your source (2 PTS.)

To help you with question 6, here's a good website to start at: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eqarchives/
  • 9/25: Finish "Earth: The Biography- Atmosphere", begin lecture and reading on "Earth's Atmosphere"
  • 9/26: Finish "Earth's Atmosphere", receive Layers of the Atmosphere Group Project Guidelines, Earth's Atmosphere HW (DUE Weds. 10/3):
1. Describe the characteristics of the air within the Troposphere
2. Describe how convection in the Troposphere occurs
3. What is the ozone layer? What does it protect us from, and how?
4. Describe why materials that reach the Stratosphere stay for so long
5. Why do we know so little about the Mesosphere?
6. What does the Mesosphere protect us from, and how?
7. What is the ionosphere? How is it formed, and what can it do?
8. How are auroras formed?

Here's some websites with good visuals and diagrams that might be helpful for your projects:
  • 9/30: Midterm Exam and Binder CheckLayers of the Atmosphere Group Projects
  • 10/2: Layers of the Atmosphere Group Projects continued
  • 10/3: Layers of the Atmosphere Group Projects continued
  • 10/7-10/11: No School- Fall Break
  • 10/14: Layers of the Atmosphere Group Projects continued
  • 10/16: Layers of the Atmosphere Group Projects continued
  • 10/17: Finish Layers of the Atmosphere Group Projects
  • 10/21: Lecture and reading on "Weathering", begin lecture and reading on "Erosion", Weathering HW (DUE Weds. 10/23):
1. List and describe the 2 different types of weathering
2. Describe the process of oxidation in your own words, and give an example
3. Is soil formation an example of chemical or mechanical weathering, and why?
4. Describe the process of cave formation in your own words
5. Is cave formation an example of chemical or mechanical weathering, and why?
6. Describe the difference between weathering and erosion. How are they related?
  • 10/23: Watch "Planet Earth: Fresh Water"
  • 10/24: No Class- Wash Clean-Up Day
  • 10/28: Finish "Planet Earth: Fresh Water", continue lecture and reading on "Erosion", begin watching "Earth: The Biography- Ice"
  • 10/30: "Earth: The Biography- Ice" continued
  • 10/31: Finish "Earth: The Biography- Ice", lecture and reading on "The Earth's Movement in Space", Pollution and Wind Belts Activity (DUE Mon. 11/4)
  • 11/4: Begin lecture and reading on "Weather Conditions and Measurements", begin Weather Collection Data, Weather Map Activity (DUE Weds. 11/6)
  • 11/6: Watch "IMAX: Ring of Fire"
  • 11/7: Unit Quiz 2 and Binder Check, finish "Weather Conditions and Measurements", Wind and Weather HW (DUE Weds. 11/13):
1. What causes the Earth's seasons?
2. How do wind cells work? Why are wind cells broken up into wind belts?
3. What are the characteristics of each of the Earth's wind belts?
4. Describe what happens at each of the 2 types of fronts
5. How does high and low pressure affect the weather?
6. How is weather different from climate?
7. Two cities are located in the temperate zone. One city is located near the coast at sea level. The other city is located in the mountains, high above sea level. How would their climates be similar, and how would they be different? Explain your answer. (2 PTS.)
  • 11/11: No School- Veteran's Day
  • 11/13: Begin lecture and reading on "Introduction to the Tucson Region"
  • 11/14: Finish "Introduction to the Tucson Region", begin lecture and reading on "Global Warming and Climate Change", Introduction to the Tucson Region HW (DUE Mon. 11/18):
1. Summarize the geologic formation of the Tucson region
2. Define "PET", and describe how it contributes to aridity
3. Describe why Tucson is arid
4. Describe the 3 ways that Tucson receives precipitation
  • 11/18: "Global Warming and Climate Change" continued
  • 11/20: Finish "Global Warming and Climate Change"
  • 11/21: Begin watching "Earth: The Biography- Oceans", Global Warming and Climate Change HW (DUE Mon. 11/25):
1. What is the greenhouse effect? What is the relationship between the greenhouse effect and global warming?
2. What are fossil fuels, and how do they contribute to global warming?
3. Describe how deforestation both causes and is affected by global warming
4. Describe the methods that scientists use to determine the climate of the Earth prior to human disturbances
5. What are the consequences of melting sea ice for both polar ecosystems and Native people?
6. How does climate change lead to habitat loss?
7. What is coral bleaching, and what's causing it?
8. In general, what would the consequences be if the Greenland and Western Antarctic ice sheets were to melt?
9. Why would global warming affect the world's weather, and how?
10. What does the Great Ocean Conveyor Belt do, and how might it be affected by global warming? What would the consequences be?
11. Describe each of the 4 solutions to global warming
  • 11/25: Finish "Earth: The Biography- Oceans", Tanker Spills Activity
  • 11/27 - 11/28: No School- Thanksgiving Break
  • 12/2: Lecture and reading on "Ocean Currents and the Great Pacific Garbage Patch", Ocean Currents and Garbage Patches HW (DUE Thurs. 12/5):
1. What are gyres? What factors create them?
2. Describe how oceanic garbage patches form
3. What is the problem with plastic?
4. Describe how and why plastic is harmful to ocean ecosystems
5. Why is cleaning up oceanic garbage patches difficult?
  • 12/4: Lecture and reading on "Sources of Fresh Water", begin lecture and reading on "Watersheds in Southern Arizona"
  • 12/5: Finish "Watersheds in Southern Arizona", Local Water Cycle and Watersheds Project
  • 12/9: Local Water Cycle and Watersheds Project continued (DUE Weds. 12/11), Weather Data Check
  • 12/11: No Class- All-School Event
  • 12/12: Final Exam and Binder Check, Class Evaluations (DUE Mon. 12/16)
  • 12/16: Watch "Life After People"
  • 12/18: No Class: All-School Event
  • 12/19: No Class: All-School Event