- 8/12/2013: Receive "Course Syllabus", lecture and reading on "Formation of the Earth"
- 8/14: "Formation of the Earth" continued, begin lecture and reading on "A Real Journey to the Center of Earth", Formation of Earth HW (DUE Mon. 8/19):
2. List and describe 2 major events that occurred during the Hadean Eon
3. Why are there no traces of rocks from the Hadean Eon? What evidence exists to tell us what was going on at this time?
4. What was "differentiation"?
5. Describe how Earth's crust and oceans formed
6. What are stromatolites? Also, describe the 2 major effects that stromatolites had on the early Earth
Here's a detailed website on the formation of the Earth and solar system: http://astronomyonline.org/SolarSystem/EarthIntroduction.asp?Cate=SolarSystem&SubCate=Earth&SubCate2=E00
A movie on the solar system and Earth's formation: http://www.solarviews.com/cap/misc/ssanim.htm
More info on Earth's formation: http://geology.about.com/od/nutshells/a/aa_earthbirth.htm
A great website on all of the geologic eras of time, including the Hadean and Archaean Eon: http://paleobiology.si.edu/geotime/main/index.html
Another video on the solar system's formation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFLOsRSuW0E&feature=related&noredirect=1
- 8/15: "A Real Journey to the Center of Earth" continued
Layers of the Earth rap!: http://www.educationalrap.com/song/layers-of-the-earth/
Nice animation of Earth's magnetic field (with good links, too): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpnxTdm6c5Y&feature=related
Good, short film on how the Earth's magnetic field works: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uj0DFDfQajw&NR=1&feature=fvwp
- 8/19: Finish "A Real Journey to the Center of Earth", Journey to the Center of Earth HW (DUE Thurs. 8/22):
2. Describe one example of how layers of rock in the crust give us clues about events in the geologic past
3. Define "isostacy", and explain how this process works
4. What generates Earth's magnetic field? Why is the magnetic field important?
5. How do we know that the Earth's magnetic field has reversed polarity in the past?
6. Why is the core so hot?
7. What will happen to Earth as the inner core continues to cool?
- 8/21: Begin watching "Inside Planet Earth"
- 8/26: "Inside Planet Earth" continued
- 8/28: Finish "Inside Planet Earth", Structure of the Earth Group Poster Project
- 8/29: Structure of the Earth Group Poster Project continued
- 9/4: No School- Labor Day
- 9/4: Structure of the Earth Group Poster Project continued
- 9/5: Structure of the Earth Group Poster Project continued
- 9/9: Finish Structure of the Earth Group Poster Project
- 9/11: Lecture and reading on "Continental Drift"
- 9/12: Unit Quiz One and Binder Check, "Continental Drift" continued, Plate Tectonics Worksheet (DUE Mon. 9/16 if not completed in class), Continental Drift HW (DUE Mon. 9/16):
2. What evidence exists to prove these theories?
3. Describe the 3 ways that plates interact with each other, and give real-life examples of each
4. Describe the process of convection, and state how it applies to plate tectonics
5. Explain how plate tectonics relates to the creation of mountains, volcanoes, and earthquakes
Great animation showing continental drift from 400 million years ago until Pangaea Proxima forms: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSdlQ8x7cuk
Another good continental drift animation into the future with good info: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGcDed4xVD4&feature=fvw
Good animation on tectonic systems: http://videopediaworld.com/video/31709/Spin-Around-the-Solar-System-Earths-Plate-Movements
Seafloor spreading with Bill Nye: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CsTTmvX6mc
Great explanation of seafloor spreading in 60 seconds: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tlzg5_hVaPU&feature=related
Investigating the mid-ocean ridges: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9o5BV1aotM
Saved the best for last- awesome video on plate tectonics: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsZq1pNufNg
- 9/16: Watch "Earth: The Biography- Volcanoes"
- 9/18: Finish "Earth: The Biography- Volcanoes", begin lecture and reading on "Volcanoes and Earthquakes"
- 9/19: "Volcanoes and Earthquakes" continued
- 9/23: Finish "Volcanoes and Earthquakes", begin watching "Earth: The Biography- Atmosphere", Volcanoes and Earthquakes HW (DUE Weds. 9/25):
2. How does viscosity affect lava flow?
3. Research the Toba supervolcano. Where is it? When did it erupt? What were the consequences for the human race? Include your source.
4. Describe the 3 different types of faults
5. Describe the different types of seismic waves, and the effects of each
6. Research another major earthquake and summarize its location, magnitude, and aftereffects. Include your source (2 PTS.)
To help you with question 6, here's a good website to start at: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eqarchives/
- 9/25: Finish "Earth: The Biography- Atmosphere", begin lecture and reading on "Earth's Atmosphere"
- 9/26: Finish "Earth's Atmosphere", receive Layers of the Atmosphere Group Project Guidelines, Earth's Atmosphere HW (DUE Weds. 10/3):
2. Describe how convection in the Troposphere occurs
3. What is the ozone layer? What does it protect us from, and how?
4. Describe why materials that reach the Stratosphere stay for so long
5. Why do we know so little about the Mesosphere?
6. What does the Mesosphere protect us from, and how?
7. What is the ionosphere? How is it formed, and what can it do?
8. How are auroras formed?
Here's some websites with good visuals and diagrams that might be helpful for your projects:
- 9/30: Midterm Exam and Binder Check, Layers of the Atmosphere Group Projects
- 10/2: Layers of the Atmosphere Group Projects continued
- 10/3: Layers of the Atmosphere Group Projects continued
- 10/7-10/11: No School- Fall Break
- 10/14: Layers of the Atmosphere Group Projects continued
- 10/16: Layers of the Atmosphere Group Projects continued
- 10/17: Finish Layers of the Atmosphere Group Projects
- 10/21: Lecture and reading on "Weathering", begin lecture and reading on "Erosion", Weathering HW (DUE Weds. 10/23):
2. Describe the process of oxidation in your own words, and give an example
3. Is soil formation an example of chemical or mechanical weathering, and why?
4. Describe the process of cave formation in your own words
5. Is cave formation an example of chemical or mechanical weathering, and why?
6. Describe the difference between weathering and erosion. How are they related?
- 10/23: Watch "Planet Earth: Fresh Water"
- 10/24: No Class- Wash Clean-Up Day
- 10/28: Finish "Planet Earth: Fresh Water", continue lecture and reading on "Erosion", begin watching "Earth: The Biography- Ice"
- 10/30: "Earth: The Biography- Ice" continued
- 10/31: Finish "Earth: The Biography- Ice", lecture and reading on "The Earth's Movement in Space", Pollution and Wind Belts Activity (DUE Mon. 11/4)
- 11/4: Begin lecture and reading on "Weather Conditions and Measurements", begin Weather Collection Data, Weather Map Activity (DUE Weds. 11/6)
- 11/6: Watch "IMAX: Ring of Fire"
- 11/7: Unit Quiz 2 and Binder Check, finish "Weather Conditions and Measurements", Wind and Weather HW (DUE Weds. 11/13):
2. How do wind cells work? Why are wind cells broken up into wind belts?
3. What are the characteristics of each of the Earth's wind belts?
4. Describe what happens at each of the 2 types of fronts
5. How does high and low pressure affect the weather?
6. How is weather different from climate?
7. Two cities are located in the temperate zone. One city is located near the coast at sea level. The other city is located in the mountains, high above sea level. How would their climates be similar, and how would they be different? Explain your answer. (2 PTS.)
- 11/11: No School- Veteran's Day
- 11/13: Begin lecture and reading on "Introduction to the Tucson Region"
- 11/14: Finish "Introduction to the Tucson Region", begin lecture and reading on "Global Warming and Climate Change", Introduction to the Tucson Region HW (DUE Mon. 11/18):
2. Define "PET", and describe how it contributes to aridity
3. Describe why Tucson is arid
4. Describe the 3 ways that Tucson receives precipitation
- 11/18: "Global Warming and Climate Change" continued
- 11/20: Finish "Global Warming and Climate Change"
- 11/21: Begin watching "Earth: The Biography- Oceans", Global Warming and Climate Change HW (DUE Mon. 11/25):
2. What are fossil fuels, and how do they contribute to global warming?
3. Describe how deforestation both causes and is affected by global warming
4. Describe the methods that scientists use to determine the climate of the Earth prior to human disturbances
5. What are the consequences of melting sea ice for both polar ecosystems and Native people?
6. How does climate change lead to habitat loss?
7. What is coral bleaching, and what's causing it?
8. In general, what would the consequences be if the Greenland and Western Antarctic ice sheets were to melt?
9. Why would global warming affect the world's weather, and how?
10. What does the Great Ocean Conveyor Belt do, and how might it be affected by global warming? What would the consequences be?
11. Describe each of the 4 solutions to global warming
- 11/25: Finish "Earth: The Biography- Oceans", Tanker Spills Activity
- 11/27 - 11/28: No School- Thanksgiving Break
- 12/2: Lecture and reading on "Ocean Currents and the Great Pacific Garbage Patch", Ocean Currents and Garbage Patches HW (DUE Thurs. 12/5):
2. Describe how oceanic garbage patches form
3. What is the problem with plastic?
4. Describe how and why plastic is harmful to ocean ecosystems
5. Why is cleaning up oceanic garbage patches difficult?
- 12/4: Lecture and reading on "Sources of Fresh Water", begin lecture and reading on "Watersheds in Southern Arizona"
- 12/5: Finish "Watersheds in Southern Arizona", Local Water Cycle and Watersheds Project
- 12/9: Local Water Cycle and Watersheds Project continued (DUE Weds. 12/11), Weather Data Check
- 12/11: No Class- All-School Event
- 12/12: Final Exam and Binder Check, Class Evaluations (DUE Mon. 12/16)
- 12/16: Watch "Life After People"
- 12/18: No Class: All-School Event
- 12/19: No Class: All-School Event
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