- 1/7/13: Receive syllabus, overview of policies and procedures, review Final Exam, lecture and reading on "How Plants Cope With the Desert Environment" continued
- 1/10: Finish "How Plants Cope With the Desert Environment", lecture and reading on "Adaptations of Desert Reptiles and Amphibians", Desert Adaptations HW (DUE Mon. 1/14):
2. How is torpor a type of thermoregulation?
3. Describe the 3 ways that organisms lose water, and give an example of a specific adaptation for each
4. How is the color black an adaptation?
5. Describe a specific example of plant adaptations for succulence, drought tolerance, and drought avoidance
6. What were the challenges for amphibians evolving in arid environments? How have they adapted to them?
7. How are reptiles more suited to living in arid environments?
- 1/14: Lecture and reading on "Case Studies of Desert Animal Adaptations"
- 1/17: "Case Studies of Desert Animal Adaptations" continued, receive Sonoran Desert Species Profile Project Guidelines (DUE Mon. 1/28)
- 1/21: No School- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- 1/24: "Case Studies of Desert Animal Adaptations" continued
- 1/28: Project presentations, "Case Studies of Desert Animal Adaptations" continued, receive Field Trip Permission Slips for Flandrau Science Center's "Exploring the Sky Islands" exhibit (DUE Mon. 2/4, the trip is Thurs. 2/7 from 12:15-4pm. Bring a lunch and $7.50 for admission, or $5 if you can verify that you're 15 or under).
- 1/31: Bake Sale Day, finish "Case Studies in Desert Animal Adaptations", lecture and reading on "Ecology of Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument", Sonoran Desert Species Graphic Organizer (DUE Mon. 2/4)
- 2/4: Lecture and reading on "Ecology of the Northern Gulf"
- 2/7: Field Trip to Flandrau Science Center (make sure to bring a lunch and $7.50 for admission- we'll be back by 4:00)
- 2/11: Unit Quiz 1 and Binder Check, "Ecology of the Northern Gulf" continued, Ecology of the Northern Gulf HW (DUE Thurs. 2/14):
2. What ecosystem services does the Delta provide?
3. Describe the main abiotic (nonliving) factors that shape the Northern Gulf ecosystem
4. What ecosystem services do estuaries provide?
5. Describe what the challenges of living in the Intertidal Zone are, and how organisms are adapted to them
- 2/14: Lukas out- Shari covers
- 2/18: Lukas out- Sub covers
- 2/21: Finish "Ecology of the Northern Gulf", lecture and readings on "Review of Key Concepts in Intertidal Ecology" and "Information on Common Animals in Puerto Penasco Tide Pools", receive "Sea of Cortez Species Profile Project Guidelines" (Project is DUE Thurs. 2/28- be ready to present!)
- 2/25: Finish "Information on Common Animals in Puerto Penasco Tide Pools", Tide Pool Ecology HW (DUE Thurs. 2/28):
1. Examples of each feeding strategy
2. Examples of each feeding mode
3. Two different examples of defense strategies against predation
4. One example of mutualism
5. One example of commensalism
- 2/28: Discuss Kickstarter Project and fundraising, Project Presentations, Kickstarter Project HW (DUE Mon. 3/4):
2. Write down what you would be able to contribute to this project
- 3/4: Begin lecture and reading on "Vertebrate Adaptations in the Sea of Cortez", receive Parent Meeting information Slip (MUST be signed and returned by Tuesday, 3/5)
- 3/6: Desert/ Sea Trip Parent Meeting (5:30- in the science room)
- 3/7: "Vertebrate Adaptations in the Sea of Cortez" continued
- 3/11: Finish "Vertebrate Adaptations in the Sea of Cortez", begin lecture and reading on "Discovering the Vaquita in the Gulf of California", Vertebrates in the Sea of Cortez HW (DUE Thurs. 3/14):
2. What is the thermocline, and what challenges does it present to fish?
3. What are the characteristics of mammals?
4. What adaptations do all marine mammals have?
5. Describe the characteristics of the different types of cetaceans
6. What adaptations do cetaceans have to the marine environment?
- 3/14: Finish "Discovering the Vaquita in the Gulf of California"
- 3/18: Midterm Exam and Binder Check
- 3/21: Review exam
- 4/2: Begin lecture and reading on "Threats to the Sonoran Desert Region"
- 4/4: "Threats to the Sonoran Desert Region" continued
- 4/8: "Threats to the Sonoran Desert Region" continued, receive Sonoran Desert Species Conservation Project Guidelines (DUE Thurs. 4/18)
- 4/11: Plan for Chile Cookoff, "Threats to the Sonoran Desert Region" continued
- 4/15: Jefferson County Open School Arrives, plan for event, Chili Cookoff (5-8 PM, set up begins at 4)
- 4/16: Hike with JCOS (be prepared with at least 2 water bottles, food, and sun protection)
- 4/18: "Threats to the Sonoran Desert Region" continued, Threats to the Sonoran Desert HW (DUE Mon. 4/22):
2. What have been the consequences of urbanization on biodiversity?
3. Why are invasive species a problem, and what are the consequences of the spread of Buffelgrass?
4. What are the effects of agriculture on the desert environment?
5. How has agriculture in the Sonoran Desert changed over time?
6. How does mining impact the environment?
7. Describe each of the 4 types of migration to the Sonoran Desert
8. What are the environmental impacts of recreation?
- SUN. 4/21: Reid Park Water Festival from 8:30-2:30 (near the amphitheater on Country Club)
- 4/22: Finish "Threats to the Sonoran Desert Region", lecture and reading on "Threats to the CO River Delta", Threats to the CO River Delta HW (DUE Thurs. 4/25):
2. Describe how fishing caused Totoaba populations to collapse over time
3. What impacts has the alteration of the CO River's flow regime had on the Delta ecosystem?
4. Why has the salinity of the CO River and Delta increased?
5. How will Minute 319 help conserve the Delta ecosystem?
- 4/25: Unit Quiz 2 and Binder Check, begin lecture and reading on "Northern Gulf Species Conservation"
- 4/29: "Northern Gulf Species Conservation" continued
- 5/2: Finish "Northern Gulf Species Conservation", begin lecture and reading on "Seafood and the Sea of Cortez", receive Sea of Cortez Species Conservation Project Guidelines (DUE Mon. 5/13), Northern Gulf Conservation HW (DUE Mon. 5/6):
2. What conservation efforts are underway to protect it?
3. Why is the Least Tern endangered?
4. How can the Least Tern and Yuma Clapper Rail be protected?
5. Why are California Sea Lions considered an indicator species?
- 5/6: Finish "Seafood and the Sea of Cortez", begin lecture and reading on "Harvesting the Sea of Cortez", Seafood and the Sea of Cortez HW (DUE Thurs. 5/9):
2. Describe the different forms of fishing, and explain how each one works
3. Why is aquaculture unsustainable?
4. How has the Mexican government tried to conserve the Upper and Northern Gulf ecosystems and fisheries?
- 5/9: Finish "Harvesting the Sea of Cortez"
- 5/13: Project presentations, begin "The Big Picture of the Sonoran Desert" activity
- 5/16: "The Big Picture of the Sonoran Desert" activity continued (DUE Mon. 5/20)
- 5/20: Final Exam and Binder Check, Class Evaluations (DUE first thing Weds. morning)
- 5/23: No Class- Graduation
You're awesome. (:
ReplyDeleteThe blog is really helpful.